This excellent busness center features, access, and services available for you and strive to provide the ultimate in comfort including a host of amenities. No matter what size of space you rent, or how long you rent it for, you will always be welcome to: Wired and wireless Internet. A stocked pantry with refrigerator and hot coffee and tea all day long. Access to multiple conference rooms along with state-of-the-art meeting rooms that holds up to 70 people, with full audio/visual capabilities. A receptionist to greet your clients from 8:30 a.m. through 5 p.m. every weekday. 24/7 access to the building and your office. Warm, welcoming lobbies and a friendly, professional staff to greet your guests at the front desk. Access to award-winning day care is just steps away. Onsite New Jersey Lawyer Service drop box. A visit from management to get to know you and introduce you to your office neighbors. Inclusion in our impromptu office parties.