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Workspaces for Rent in Larkspur,California

Larkspur is located in Marin County and is considered one of the best places to live in California! Enjoy fresh local restaurant, historic sites, and a growing and thriving business community. At just over three square miles, the crime rate in Larskur is on of the lowest in the entire state. The mantra of the local Chamber of Commerce in the city of Larkspur is supporting businesses with the goal of achieving a vibrant and prosperous community, and it is well on it's way. Live and work in Larkspur, an ideal location for your California Office. Check out our stunning offices for rent in San Francisco as well!

Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur, 94939 Starting at $1065

Executive Business Centers is a full-service business center located at Larkspur Landing Circle, Larkspur, California. Our facility is located in a beautiful, park-like setting conducive to business. We are centrally located approximately ten miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. The Larkspur Ferry and Marin Airporter terminals are adjacent. We offer various sizes of furnished or unfurnished offices on a 6-12 month lease term ranging from 120-200 square feet with access to the following: -Professional reception service -Two-line desk phone -Private voice mailbox accessible 24/7 -Internet connection -Mail Service -Six conference rooms -24/7 access to building using card key security -Kitchen Access -Janitorial services -Utilities -Class A building -Free parking -Access to word processing & secretarial services -Access to 600 locations worldwide.


Cross Streets: Off of East Sir Frances Drake Boulevard

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