When you need a professional place to work, this business center in Downtown Somerville offers several office space solutions that includes flexible options, so you wont be locked into a long-term lease. All 24 office spaces come fully furnished and ready to go with phones and Internet, so you can quickly focus on your business. Along with the flexible office space rentals, they offer conference room, meeting room, and day office rentals for your next client meeting.
Their phone answering service will screen your calls, and the business mailing address rental options give your business a permanent and professional address. Our office spaceis surrounded by amazing shopping, dining, and entertainment options. Take a walk down Main Street or stop in at one of the many restaurants Somerville has to offer: Alfonso's, Cafe Picasso, Verve, Wolfgang Steakhouse, Pinoy, Savor, Arusuvai, Da Filipos, Seoulville, Sushi Palace, and more.
There are 24 private furnished office spaces, a coworking space that seats 16, and two conference rooms (accommodating meetings from 2 to 20 people).